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Wednesday, February 23, 2005

New Tool for Evangelism

The Four Spiritual Pints
Pint #1: Bass Ale

God is holy, just, and good and he originally made us good, with a fresh clean taste and hearty flavor.

Pint#2: Guiness Stout

But we through Adam fell into sin and our hearts became darkened and we became full of bitterness.

Pint#3: Killian's Red

But though we could nothing of ourselves to make ourselves right and acceptible to God, Christ came and interposed his preciou blood on our behalf.

Pint#4: Bavarian Weiss

Thus having been saved by his blood we are now as if white as snow by the imputation of Christ's righteousness and the gift of the Holy Spirit, having turned from our sin and put our trust in him.

Could we go over that again?

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